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  • 執筆者の写真Toapapa

ENVSOUNDで"SCENERY.CFG file error"が出る件

P3Dの環境アドオンである「ENVTEX」や「ENVSHADE」のシリーズを出しているTOGA Projectsは有名ですが、私の環境でもメインで使用をしています。





結局、TOGA Projectsのサポートフォーラムで解決策が見つかりました。(参照元: 古い「ENVDIR」を使用しているユーザーに発生しているようで、最新のバージョンに含まれている必要なファイルが含まれていないのが原因のようでした。




TOGA Projects, which has released a series of P3D environment add-ons, "ENVTEX" and "ENVSHADE" is famous, but I mainly use it in my environment.

It's been a while since we last saw the release of an add-on called "ENVSOUND".

This "ENVSOUND" replaces the default sound effect in the Simulator with a realistic sound. It is said that the sound is placed in over 80,000 places. Sound effects heard in ENVSOUND include a seaside atmosphere (the call of a bird in a sea or lake or randomly generated call), a wind atmosphere, a city and port atmosphere, and the effects of rain and thunderstorms.

I am using this series as my main product, so I installed it, but after installation, the following error was displayed when I started P3D, and it doesn't seem to work properly.

At first, it was hard to find a solution, but I finally solved it the other day, so I will keep it as a memorandum.

Eventually, a solution was found in the TOGA Projects support forum. (Reference:

It appeared to be happening to users of older "ENVDIR" s because they did not have the necessary files included in the latest version.

The solution was surprisingly simple: just download and install the latest "ENVDIR" full installer again. (Remember to use administrator privileges)

For those of you who have the same problem, please visit ...


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